Gay as fuck.
Not long ago I was viewing MLM videos by Ethan Vanderbuilt. After the video was done, another video started playing. It was a review on Vanderbuilt by a lying shitbag named Tyson Zahner.
Zahner went on for 20+ minutes about how Vanderbuilt may be a scammer, because Vanderbuilt makes money from ad revenue from his website. Okay. How is that a scam? Please explain, Tyson.
Zahner then goes on to talk about how he posted messages on Vanderbuilt's site, questioning how Vanderbuilt makes his money. Zahner then turned into an emotional little bitch when Vanderbuilt gives his response on why he is a Scam Buster.
Notice how Zahner tried to keep the discussion on the topic of Vanderbuilt's website revenue and not on the reason Vanderbuilt believes that MLMs are scams.
Pretty boring, huh?
So, I decided to jump in. Not to defend Vanderbuilt's website revenue, but to further question pussy-ass Zahner on his own network marketing coaching scheme. I posted a blistering comment on his bullshit video that went like this:
Zahner replied to my post with this:
Guess what? Yup. I immediately dug deep into his lying ass.
Zahner was a cocky son of a bitch, but I was not impressed at all. He was spewing the usual MLM psychobabble bullshit that I came to expect from a lying shitbag like him. So I had to put the scam-reality nail in his fucking MLM coffin:
Zahner has yet to post a video with his disclosed income claims. I wasn't holding my breath for it either. But, instead of a reply from Zahner, I got a bunch of troll-like responses on videos I'd commented on in the past by this wholesome user:
It boggles the mind, don't it?
Of course, Zahner made no real effort to shut me up. He just wanted me to go away, like all scammers do when you call them on their bullshit and they don't have a crutch to lean on, much less any duct tape to hold that fucker together for them to hobble with:
For all his MLM tough talk, Tyson accomplishes NADA.
Now, I give dude credit for trying, but his argument was weak as fuck. Like all MLM maggots, he tried to derail the topic by talking about my online identity and how him showing his ugly mug in his videos somehow makes him more honest.
Now, stop for a second. Let that sink in. Have any of you ever got a good long look at this Tyson slimeball? Just look at him!
Would you trust an infected Yeast Cunt like this?
Dude is just a lying scammer. No shame in his game. Fuck you, Zahner (stick to photography; it's the only business where you can fully develop something productive from a bunch of negatives).